Essay, Research Paper: Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

Literature: Mark Twain

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“Tom Sawyer” is full of adventures. In this book there is an adventure
around every corner. Some of his adventures have leaded him into some bad
situations but with his good heart and bright mind he has gotten out of them.
Tom lives with his Aunt Polly, his cousin Mary and brother Sid. One of the first
things to happen in the book is the painting of the fence. Polly made Tom
whitewash the fence on a Saturday as punishment. Instead of him paying people to
work for him, he made people pay him to paint. Tom did this by telling people
that it isn’t every day that you get a chance to paint a fence and he thought
it was fun. He had people begging him to paint by the time that he was finished
his story. He would have fooled every boy in town if he didn’t run out of
paint. On June 17th about the hour of midnight, Tom had his best friend
Huckleberry Finn were out in the grave yard trying to get rid of warts, when
they witnessed a murder by Injun Joe. At the time Muff Potter was drunk and
asleep so Injun Joe blamed the murder on Muff Potter. They knew if crazy Injun
Joe found out they knew he would for sure kill them. Tom wrote on a wooden board
“Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swear to keep mum about this and they wish they may
drop down dead in their tracks if they ever tell and rot”, then signed their
initials on the board with their blood. A few days after the murder Tom, Huck,
and Joe decided to go and become pirates because no cared for them to be around.
They stole some food and supplies and then they stole a raft and paddled to an
island in the middle of the Mississippi River. They stayed and pirated for
several days, then they all became so home sick that they couldn’t bear it
anymore and the next day they showed up for their own funerals and there was
much thanks and praise. The next big event in the town was the trial of Muff
Potter for the murder in the graveyard. The whole town believed Injun Joe, and
poor Muff was sent to a temporary jail cell for a week. At the end of the week
he was to be hung unless some one in court had proved him innocent. While Muff
was in jail temporarily he wasn’t alone. Every day Tom and Huck would go and
talk to him through the jail cell bars and on occasion bring him food. On the
last day of court, to everyone’s surprise they called Tom Sawyer to the stand.
Then the man asked him where he was on the 17th of June Tom said “In the
graveyard”. Then when he asked who he saw do it he said with all his strength
he said, “Muff didn’t do it. It was Injun Joe!” and with that Injun Joe
jumped out the window and ran away. Tom and Huck decided that they wanted to
become rich so they went to go and find buried treasure. Tom and Huck dug under
trees all day and night but found nothing, then Tom said that they should go and
dig for treasure in a haunted house. They went to a haunted house two days
later. Both the boys were scared but they both went inside anyway. The boys
dared each other to go upstairs, so of course they went up and looked in closets
for treasure but found nothing. Suddenly the boys heard two men talking and then
they came inside. Both of the boys got down on the floor and then they heard the
voice again, it was Injun Joe. Injun Joe and the other man had a bag of money
and decided to bury it there. Tome and Huck could hardly contain themselves
because they would steal it as soon as Injun Joe left. Injun Joe was digging a
hole with his knife when he hit something; it was a box of money. Injun Joe
decided to take all of the treasure and hide it in number two under the cross.
When Injun Joe and the other man left Tom and Huck were furious because they
thought that all of the treasure was rightfully theirs. A few days later Becky
had her long awaited picnic, and they all went to McDougals cave. Tom showed
Becky around and while they were exploring they got lost, with only a small
slice of cake to eat that Tom had shoved in his pocket the day before along with
several candles. When the town saw they were not in church the next morning they
realized that they must have forgotten them. Tom and Becky were too far down for
the search party to find with no food left and no candles. Tom and Becky sat by
a small stream because they were tired from exploring and hand no light. By that
time Becky had became ill and it was up to Tom to find the way out. While tom
was looking for a way out he ran into Injun Joe who ran off when he heard Tom
yell for help. Tom ran away also because he feared Injun Joe would kill him. Tom
did find a way out through a small opening that lead out to the Mississippi
River. Tom went back and got Becky and he lead her out of the cave and
eventually got her home safely. At the same time that Tom was in the cave with
Becky, Huck was watching a tavern where Injun Joe was watching to see if he
would lead him to the treasure. When Huck has just about given up, Injun Joe and
another man left the tavern with bags. Huck followed them to Widow Douglas’
house and listen in on their plan. Injun Joe was going to hurt Widow Douglas
because of what her deceased husband did to him. Once Huck hand heard the plan
he ran to the Welshman’s house and he told the story to him. Old Welshman and
his sons went to Widow Douglas’ house with their guns and had a shootout with
Injun Joe and his partner. In the end no one got hurt, Injun Joe and his partner
escaped. A few days later Tom was at Becky’s house where everyone was
celebrating the return of him and Becky. Becky’s father was talking with Tom
when he mentioned that he had the entrance on the cave closed off so that no one
would ever get lost in it again. Tom’s face went totally white. Becky’s
father asked him what was wrong he said that Injun Joe was still in the cave.
Not long after all of the men went to the cave to investigate, they made the
gruesome discovery of Injun Joe’s body. He had made his way to the gate but he
could not get it unlocked, he had starved to death. Tom was finally at ease, and
now he was ready to go treasure hunting again. A few days later Tom was allowed
to see Huck once again and he brought him up to date on his adventures. Tom told
Huck that he knew where the treasure was and now all they had to do was go and
get it. Tom took Huck to where he and Becky got out of the cave and went into
the cave to go treasure hunting. They started to look for the number two and the
found it. On the wall there was the Roman numeral two written in smoke, under
the number two there was a cross. Both the boys were ecstatic; they started to
dig until the reached a ditch. They crawled in the ditch until the reached a
cave with the money and some supplies with guns and blankets. They filled the
bags that they brought with them and got out of the cave. They paddled home and
put their money in a wagon. Tom and Huck then pulled the wagon into Widow
Douglas’ house. They were ushered inside and were told to get cleaned up and
dressed nicely. They were told that the party was for Huck for save Widow
Douglas’ life. During the party Widow Douglas told Huck that he was going to
live with her and he was going to grow up the way that he should. Then Tom
exploded and said that Huck didn’t need her, because he was rich. After he
said that the room burst into laughter. Both the boys said that they would prove
it and went outside. They returned with two big sacks full of money. They dumped
it on the table. Everyone was shocked, Tom and Huck explained their latest
adventure and then the money was divided evenly. Both of the boy’s money was
deposited in a bank. And rationed out to them a dollar and a quarter per week.
This is how the story ends.

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